3 Things You Should Know about Stickler Syndrome

things you should know about Stickler syndrome

Stickler Syndrome is a genetic disorder of connective tissues. It affects about 1 in 7500 to 9000 newborns. This article covers some basic things you should know about Stickler syndrome, including the way it can cause hearing loss.

1. Stickler Syndrome Causes a Distinctive Facial Appearance

Most people who have Stickler syndrome will have a long philtrum and a short nose. This is because this disorder prevents facial bones from developing correctly. Thus, breathing difficulties are a possibility. A small lower jaw and a cleft palate are common in this disorder too.

2. It Also Results in Mobility Issues

Children and adolescents who have Stickler syndrome usually suffer from hypermobility. This means that their joints are much more flexible than usual. Hypermobility may come with pain, but it doesn’t require treatment beyond that, and it doesn’t usually extend to adulthood.

Adults with Stickler syndrome have higher chances of developing arthritis. Back pain is also common, since there’s an increased risk of scoliosis.

3. Stickler Syndrome Patients Frequently Suffer from Hearing Loss and Vision Problems

Severe nearsightedness is another widespread issue among people with Stickler syndrome. Glaucoma and retinal detachment are frequent as well.

People with Stickler syndrome are at a higher risk of ear infections, due to their facial structures. Additionally, many of them have damaged middle or inner ears. Hearing problems typically come with Type II and Type III Stickler syndrome. These types are less common than Type I, and they apply to 10 to 20 percent of patients diagnosed with this disorder.


One of the most important things you should know about Stickler syndrome is that there is no cure. Instead, experts can offer ways to deal with the everyday challenges of living with this disorder.

This includes pain treatments. Facial surgeries and eye surgery may be necessary for some. Hearing aids can almost always help.

Stickler syndrome may also make social interactions more difficult, due to prejudice. Thus, people who have this disorder might want to consider seeking out community support.

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