Conductive Hearing Loss Explained

conductive hearing loss

If the sounds you hear appear distant or muffled, you may have conductive hearing loss. With proper treatment, the condition is often only temporary. But in rare cases, it may also become severe. Here is everything else you need to know about it.

What Is Conductive Hearing Loss?

Sounds travel through three different parts of your ear before you can fully hear them. They enter through the outer ear and then go to the middle ear. From there, they reach the inner ear, which then sends the appropriate nerve impulses to the brain.

Conductive hearing loss is usually the result of problems with either the outer or the middle ear. They prevent the sounds from reaching your inner ear. As such, loud sounds become foggy and distant. Moreover, you might not even hear the quieter sounds.

What Causes Conductive Hearing Loss?

Several things can cause conductive hearing loss. It could be the result of built-up earwax, or fluid in your ear after you’ve recovered from a cold. Here are other known causes of this condition:

  • Damaged eardrum
  • Ear infections
  • Impaired function of the Eustachian tube
  • Foreign object stuck in your ear canal
  • Small, harmless tumors near the middle ear

Treatment Options

Proper medical treatment is crucial when dealing with conductive hearing loss. In most cases, you can treat it with medication. But if your Eustachian tube is causing the problem, surgery may also be an option.

If you leave the condition untreated, it could become permanent. In that case, you will need to use hearing aids to cope with your hearing loss.

Final Word

If you believe you have conductive hearing loss, go to your doctor right away. The medication they prescribe will usually restore your hearing in a matter of weeks. Furthermore, this will also help prevent any further damage to your hearing.

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