Can Solvent Exposure Lead to the Development of Hearing Problems?

can solvent exposure lead to the development of hearing problems

The answer to the question can solvent exposure lead to the development of hearing problems can only get one answer – a resounding yes. While excess noise levels in a wide variety of industries have long been a cause for concern, experts have recently pointed to the ill-effects of solvents on our hearing.

Studies into the Effects of Solvents and Chemicals on Hearing

In Europe, 14% of factory workers reported coming into regular content with either chemicals, smoke, or fumes. While some were inhaling them, others were handling chemicals. Chemicals that cause hearing loss fall into the category of ototoxic chemicals, in other words, these substances cause hearing loss.

The study indicated that workers can suffer from hearing loss after prolonged exposure to solvents and other chemical substances.

Worst Case Scenario – Exposure to Excess Noise and Chemicals/Solvents

During a number of studies, the combined effect of noise and solvent exposure became apparent. It seems that even if noise levels are below the 80-85 decibel threshold, hearing loss can occur if this is combined with exposure to solvents. Experts have noted that both hearing-loss inducing factors compound each other, making the risks to hearing greater than its parts.

So, if you’re wondering can solvent exposure lead to the development of hearing problems the answer is an even more compelling yes, if workers are exposed to loud noise at the same time.

Final Thoughts

Employers who want to know can solvent exposure lead to the development of hearing problems ought to take note. If workers are exposed to solvents and other ototoxic chemicals, they are likely to suffer from hearing loss. Precautionary measures are therefore essential in the prevention of hearing loss among workers.

Wearing ear protection along with protective masks is crucial for workers who are exposed to excess noise, solvents, or other chemicals.

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