Common Ways to Stop Tinnitus

Even with the knowledge of the importance of our sense of hearing, it can still be very difficult for many people to prevent hearing loss. Many people disregard their hearing health and do not give it the consideration it deserves. As one of the five senses, it enables us to better communicate with others and affords us primary interaction.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a condition involving a perceived ringing sound in the ears. It often occurs with a specific degree of hearing loss. Those who suffer from this condition tend to find it very annoying. Several factors have been identified to cause tinnitus. The most common of these are old age and loud noise, although the kind of lifestyle, bacterial or viral ear infection, and excessive earwax may also be responsible.

Determining the intensity of the noise or the frequency of exposure that can lead to significant hearing loss has proven to be complicated for audiologists. How much is too much? And how long is too long? Are critical issues waiting to be resolved before you can even attempt to stop hearing loss?

Reasons for Hearing Loss

Hearing loss may happen with just one huge earsplitting incident, or with long-term exposure to loud noise. This can differ from person to person. Realizing the onset of hearing loss is not always easy.

It can be very annoying when you are unable to hear what others are saying. You may find yourself frustrated in a party situation since everything sounds faint and inaudible, or you may struggle in school or work settings.

Effective Ways to Stop Tinnitus

The main concern now is finding effective ways to stop hearing loss and tinnitus. It is important, then, to remember the fundamental ways to protect the ears, particularly its tiny internal hairs. These hairs are in charge of gathering sound, and damaging these hairs could result in hearing loss.

Avoiding loud noise by using earplugs during an unavoidably noisy situation (such as when using a lawn mower) is a very basic, but very valuable, way to stop hearing loss. Caution must also be exercised with the use of earbuds. One must not just offhandedly put any hard object in the ear, as they may cause considerable damage. Get specified ear plugs from a local drug store to make sure you’re taking the best care of your hearing.


In severe cases, like when the bone in the middle ear does not move anymore, surgery through the ear canal may be the patient’s best option. The bone is removed, and a replacement is attached.

The patient is then advised to keep the ear dry and away from water for the next two weeks. Although cases of further impairment the patient’s hearing condition have been reported, 90% of the surgeries to stop hearing loss are successful.

To stop hearing loss, a doctor may also recommend the use of a hearing aid or the intake of sodium fluoride medication. Alternative methods would also include acupuncture and craniosacral therapy. A qualified doctor will be very helpful in finding the right method for you.

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