How Common Is Age-Related Hearing Loss?

age-related hearing loss

It is common knowledge that hearing loss comes with age. Many believe that this change is inevitable.

But what do the numbers say? How widespread is age-related hearing loss? And what can you do to prevent it?

The Statistics of Age-Related Hearing Loss

Research shows that your chances hearing loss grow rapidly after you reach older middle age.

Between the ages of 55 and 64, around one in four people have hearing loss in the US. But after the age of 65, one in two people will lose their hearing to some extent.


For the most part, age-related hearing loss isn’t reversible. So what can you do to prevent or delay it? Here are three tips that could help.

  • Get Your Hearing Tested Regularly

It’s very important to take action in the first stages of hearing loss. After all, your doctors could find a way to contain the damage if they discover it in time.

  • Avoid Exposure to Noise

Many people lose their hearing due to workplace circumstances. So hearing protection could do a lot to protect your long-term health.

Additionally, it helps to pay attention to the entertainment you consume. Subtitles could be a good way to protect your hearing without exposing yourself to damaging volume levels.

Noise pollution is a significant risk factor as well. If possible, you should avoid spending time in loud environments.

  • Diabetes Prevention Can Be a Big Help Too

Age-related hearing loss can be connected to other health conditions. Blood pressure and blood sugar issues can have a significant impact on your hearing. Hence, people with diabetes should manage their condition as well as possible.

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