How to Overcome Your Problem and Excel Academically

students with hearing loss

You’ve paid the admission fees, found a place to live and can’t wait to start college. But how will you cope seeing as you’re suffering from hearing loss? Well, in this article we provide some basic tips for students with hearing loss.

Become Your Own Advocate

Up until now, your parents fought your corner. In other words, they made sure you had the support you needed. They went to speak to the principal of your school and spoke to your teachers. Together, they devised a plan to optimize your chances of getting a good education. Now it’s your turn, as you need to set up your own support structure at college.

An individualized education plan (IEP) works best to cater to your specific needs. Speak to the college administration as well as your lecturers to put a plan in place.

Seek Support and Pick the Best College

Don’t try to go it alone. Instead, find support groups that help students with hearing loss. Finding the right college is also crucial. While they are all obliged to support students with disabilities, some colleges do a lot more for students with hearing loss than others.

Communicate with Your Instructors and Make Friends

Before you begin, make a plan and discuss your hearing loss with your instructors. Always make sure that they meet your needs, so don’t be shy to ask. Join groups right at the beginning to make new friends.

Final Thoughts

Students with hearing loss have a little more work to do before starting college. The most important thing is to discuss your hearing impairment with all the relevant people before you start college. That way you have the best chance of enjoying college and excelling academically. Plenty of support is available, just make sure to avail of it.

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