How to Prepare Your Ears for Spring

prepare your ears for spring

Did you know that the weather can have a serious impact on the health of your hearing?

Spring can present you with some unique problems. This article looks into a few seasonal health concerns you might have. Here are some of the ways you can prepare your ears for spring.

1. Stock Up on Allergy Medications

Spring means higher pollen levels in the air. People with allergies can have extra difficulties in the springtime.

Around 7.8% of US adults have hay fever. Outdoor allergies come with coughing, sneezing and sinus pressure. But how does this impact your ears?

Your middle ear is connected with your sinuses through the Eustachian tube. When hay fever hits, this tube will swell up. Hence, it will exert pressure against your middle ear.

This can be painful and uncomfortable. Some people find that allergies make their ears clog up. Additionally, it can lead to eardrum perforations.

So if you have allergies, getting drugs can help you prepare your ears for spring. You can ask your doctor for advice or go for over-the-counter antihistamines.

2. Make Sure to Clean Your Hearing Aids Often

There is another way pollen can cause problems.

You already know that hearing aids require regular maintenance. But high pollen levels can make them clog up. Damp weather also has an effect on these devices.

It is a good idea to clean them more often in the spring. After all, you may not notice at first that your hearing aid is clogged up.

3. Keep in Mind That Spring Can Affect Your Inner Ear Too

Sudden air pressure changes can cause difficulties in your inner ear. You may experience fullness or even pain. People with Meniere’s disease are particularly vulnerable to this.

If you experience sudden changes and discomfort, consult with your doctor.

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