Look Out for Those Decibels: How to Know When the Volume Is Too High

protect your hearing from loud music

Most people are exposed to way too much noise during work, and it’s not always possible to avoid it. Hence, you should make sure your hobby doesn’t increase your risk of hearing damage, and do your best to protect your hearing from loud music.

The Numbers

Loud music can irrevocably damage your inner ear.

Experts from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association recommend staying under 85 decibels. They also say you should stop after eight hours of listening to music. After all, prolonged exposure is even more dangerous than a loud volume.

So how much is 85 decibels?

  • Normal conversation volume is between 40 and 60 decibels.
  • Headphones usually go up to 105 decibels. Some professionals say that using headphones for over 15 minutes can cause problems.
  • A rock concert can be as loud as 120 decibels, or even 140 decibels if you’re near the speakers.

What Should You Do?

How can you protect your hearing from loud music but still enjoy listening to it?

Here are three tips that could help.

1. Headphones Are Safer Than Earphones. For one thing, you’re likelier to play earphones too loud, to block out any surrounding noises. But they can also damage the inside of your ear more easily, and leave you open to ear infections.
2. Take Frequent Breaks From Using Headphones. 15 minutes of music a day might not be enough for you. However, taking a break between songs is definitely a good idea, as it gives your hair cells a chance to rest.
3. If You’re at a Concert, Sit at Least Ten Feet Away from the Speakers. Additionally, you might want to look into earplugs.


Music is a crucial part of life. It can help you relax, and it has a number of scientifically proven healing effects. For some, it’s a passion or a calling. To make sure you can keep enjoying music for a long time, avoid going over 85 decibels whenever you can.

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