Not long after the birth of your baby, your physician will test your baby’s hearing. But why is early testing necessary? This article examines the importance of hearing issues in infants.
Why Is Early Testing Crucial?
Testing your baby’s hearing early is common because of the importance of hearing issues in infants. During the first year of development, hearing plays a vital part in your baby’s cognitive, emotional, and social development. An infant with hearing difficulties will not be able to develop at the same pace without extra support, so detecting hearing issues early is crucial.
Once you know your baby suffers from hearing issues, your baby’s healthcare team can provide adequate support.
When Do Newborns Get a Hearing Test?
In most countries in the developed world, newborns undergo a hearing test before they leave the hospital. If a baby is born at home, she/he should get a hearing test before reaching the age of 1 month.
Why Do Doctors Test Babies So Early?
The fact that doctors test your baby’s hearing so early underpins the importance of hearing issues in infants. Early detection is crucial for two reasons. For starters, hearing plays such a central role in your baby’s development that it is essential to become aware of potential hearing issues.
In addition, early intervention allows physicians to provide possible solutions or an adequate support system for babies with hearing issues.
Final Thoughts
Hearing issues can seriously impede your baby’s development. In a sense, hearing forms the foundation of all communication. If the hearing is impaired, parents and carers must find new ways to help their baby to communicate and live with hearing loss.
The treatment depends on the severity of the hearing difficulties as well as the individual causes thereof. A team of physicians and audiologist can find a suitable course of action.