Are Farmers at Risk of Occupational Hearing Loss?

risk of occupational hearing loss

Workplace injuries are a serious concern in our society. Thus, it’s important to spread awareness of the fact that your job could damage your health in various ways. Here is a quick look at the risk of occupational hearing loss.

Occupational Hearing Damage

According to the OSHA, this problem affects around 22 million people across the US. Which workers are the most at risk of occupations hearing damage?

People employed in factories are frequently exposed to dangerous noise levels. The same is true for people in the mining and forestry industries. Construction work also comes with this risk.

But there are other industries to consider too. People in the entertainment sector or in the military can have hearing difficulties. Farmers are also at risk of occupational hearing loss.

Farm Work Leads to Hearing Damage

So why does farm work come with a risk of occupational hearing loss?

Experts say that farm equipment can easily be louder than 85 decibels. This includes tractors and other vehicles, as well as chainsaws. Working with livestock comes with extremely loud noises as well.

Hence, farm work exposes you to damaging levels of noise. It’s not always possible to replace or avoid loud equipment.

It’s also important to keep in mind that most people use farm equipment for a prolonged amount of time. This considerably increases the risk of hearing damage.

What About Hearing Protection?

Using formable or pre-molded earplugs can do a lot to prevent hearing loss. Earmuffs are a great option too.

There are a few important practical concerns. Inserting ear plugs requires clean hands, so it’s better to do it in advance. You should also make sure to keep them at hand all the time.

It takes a while to get used to hearing protection. Many people find the change slightly uncomfortable. However, it can prevent serious long-term damage.

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