Can Chronic Tinnitus Take a Toll on Your Mental Health?

Dealing with chronic tinnitus

Tinnitus is a ringing in the ears. You may have experienced it after you’ve been exposed to loud noises.

For most people, the ringing stops after the noise decreases. But some people develop chronic tinnitus.

Dealing with chronic tinnitus can be extremely difficult. If you have this condition, you may experience ringing in your ears at any time.

Hence, you may find it difficult to fall asleep. Chronic tinnitus can also disrupt your focus. It will cut into your leisure time and leave a mark on your professional life.

The Long-Term Effects of Dealing with Chronic Tinnitus

This condition can have negative effects on your mental health. Let’s look at some of the ways that dealing with chronic tinnitus can harm your wellbeing.

  • Sleep Problems

According to the American Tinnitus Association, 18% of people with this condition have trouble sleeping.

You already know that sleep deprivation takes a toll on your health. It can cause heart issues. Additionally, it results in constant fatigue.

Sleep deprivation also has a bad effect on your mental health. If you have depression, bad sleeping patterns can make it worse.

  • Anxiety and Depression

13% of people with tinnitus will develop anxiety. Some will also suffer from ongoing depression. But why does a ringing in the ears cause these conditions?

Disrupted sleeping patterns are partly to blame. But the discomfort of tinnitus is another factor. Since the ringing never stops, it can be very hard to enjoy your favorite activities.

  • Workplace Problems and Social Isolation

Around 16% of people with tinnitus have trouble concentrating. This can cause serious difficulties at work. It also makes it more difficult to form new connections.

So What Can You Do About It?

For now, there is no cure for tinnitus. But counseling can help you solve some of these issues. Your condition doesn’t have to define your life.

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