Common Tests for Hearing Loss Due to Aging


Hearing loss due to aging affects about a third of older American citizens aged 65 to 85, according to the Nation’s Institutes of Health. Influenced seniors have difficulties in understanding and replying to the conversation.

Don’t Underestimate Hearing Loss

Hearing loss has effects on the old disproportionately, but it also is affecting the young, even new-borns. A collection of tests, including audiometry, general screening, Tune Fork, BAER and Otoacoustic Emissions can help identify the cause and treatment.

The general screening test is the first test performed either as routine care or linked with hearing issues, and it is done on each ear separately. The supplier will speak words at different levels to check how the patient reacts to sound level.

The patient will often be asked to repeat the words. If he is having issues hearing the words, the supplier will talk loudly to see if the reply changes.

Tuning Fork Tests

Tuning Fork Tests involve two-pronged instruments, which make a tone while vibrating. The provider will usually strike the instrument, causing it to vibrate and create a sound. The vibrations generated are used to determine the patient’s ability to hear different sound frequencies in the vibrating area of the middle ear and the eardrum.

The Tuning Fork Test is also used to test for damage sensors, damage of the nerves in the internal ear, or impairment in both areas. Based on the patient’s capability to hear the sound, the health care provider will be able to determine whether the hearing loss is due solely to the nerves or if the difficulty is the sound reaching the nerves.


The Pure Tone Audiometry procedure is performed using an audiometer machine, which measures hearing tones thru a headphone to determine hearing loss. The testing is done by an audiologist who controls the tone and volume of the sounds in the earphones.

The patient presses a button or lifts his hand when he hears the sound and the provider keeps changing the sound to test when the patient isn’t able to hear it. The audiologist will then increase the volume and repeat the test.

Auditory Brain Stem Reply

Auditory Brain Stem Reply (ABR) or (BAER) brainstem auditory evoked response is a test planning to identify sensorineural hearing loss by placing electrodes on the scalp and each earlobe. Clicking noises are then broadcast through the ear[hones and the electrodes measure the brain reacts to the clicking sound. The response is recorded on a graph.

Otoacoustic Emissions Testing

Finally, Otoacoustic Emissions Testing (OAE) is a screening test tool used to check the hearing of newly born babies. Testing involves placing a little microphone in the ear canal, which uncovers any reply to sounds in the inner ear.

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