The Impact of Treating Hearing Loss on Quality of Life

In today’s world, people that experience hearing loss seem to delay the decision of getting a hearing aid. Given the fact that our society is a visually-oriented one, many neglect the fact that getting professional help might help them boost their quality of life significantly. Approximately 80% of those who admit having hearing problems delay the purchase of a hearing aid, sometimes for years. On average, the age at which one decides to invest in a hearing aid is 70. This means that they delay the possibility of improving their lives significantly. Below are some ways in which treating hearing loss has the potential of improving quality of life significantly.

How could a hearing aid improve one’s life?

Many studies have shown that using a hearing aid when necessary has the potential to significantly improve one’s quality of life, in so many ways. For instance, regaining the ability to hear has impressive positive results in terms of general well-being. In addition, there have been observed improvements in the following spheres of one’s life:

  • Communication in various circumstances, especially relationships;
  • Gaining a sense of control in everyday circumstances;
  • Increased social participation;
  • Perception of normal functioning;
  • Increased intimacy in family circles;
  • Emotional stability;
  • Gaining a sense of control in their lives;
  • Reducing discrimination in society;
  • Reducing social phobias;
  • Reducing self-hatred and self-criticism;
  • Reducing depressive episodes;
  • Reducing the frustration usually experienced in everyday situations;

If investing in a hearing aid comes with so many benefits, the logical question is why so many individuals are still reluctant to invest in such pieces. Well, in many cases, there is a prejudice that burdens them, as well as plenty of misconceptions.

What keeps people away from hearing aids?

A simple answer to this question is myths and misconceptions. The common belief that hearing cannot be recovered, even with the most advanced aids on the market, the fear of discrimination, and the strong belief that hearing can be faked are at the root of the issue. Many claim that a hearing aid might be uncomfortable and may require constant adaptation of the volume. However, nowadays, hearing aids come with incredible technology that does not require manual adaptation of the volume. Another common misconception is that after a certain age, losing your ability to clearly hear is normal. This is obviously not the case, and even if it were, people would normally try to improve their situation. And while in time, your hearing ability decreases, hearing loss is common in younger people as well. Somewhere around six million people with hearing loss are under the age of 45, while approximately a million of children no older than 6 have the same issue.

Specialists advise those who experience hearing loss on different levels to seek professional help and invest in a hearing aid as soon as possible. Resolving this issue has the potential of improving one’s life significantly, in all spheres. Seek professional help and see how your life is changing.

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